2025 International Conference on Software Engineering and Computer Applications
2025年软件工程与计算机应用国际学术会议(SECA 2025)将于2025年6月13日至15日在云南昆明市隆重召开。本次会议旨在汇聚全球相关领域的专家学者,共同探讨软件工程与计算机应用领域的前沿研究成果与创新实践。会议将设有丰富多彩的学术报告、口头汇报和海报展示,涵盖人工智能、5G/6G通信技术、计算网络安全等多个热点话题。与会者将有机会深入交流,分享最新的研究成果和技术突破,探索跨学科合作的新机遇。
SECA 2025的所有投稿需经过3轮专家审稿,并提交至组委会复核。在几轮审稿过程中,审核结果和修改评论意见都将通过艾思系统发送通知,请作者留意系统信息。最终所录用的论文将被ACM ICPS (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series) 出版论文集,见刊后由期刊社提交至 EI Compendex和Scopus数据库检索。
SECA 2025参会设有口头演讲/海报展示/听众三种形式,参会可点下方链接,具体说明如下:
Welcome to the official website of 2025 International Conference on Software Engineering and Computer Applications (SECA 2025)
The International Conference on Software Engineering and Computer Applications will be held from June 13th to 15th 2025 in the beautiful city of Kunming Yunnan. The purpose of this conference is to provide an excellent platform for software engineers computer scientists scholars and practitioners worldwide to jointly explore the latest research achievements cutting-edge technologies and future development directions in the field of software engineering and computer applications.
Kunming with four seasons like spring is renowned worldwide for its pleasant climate and rich cultural heritage providing attendees with an inspiring and warm academic exchange environment. This conference will bring together experts scholars and industry leaders from around the world to provide high-quality academic reports and seminars for attendees.
During the conference you will have the opportunity to listen to keynote speeches from renowned professors and industry elites from top universities and research institutions covering the latest methodologies tools and technological innovations in software engineering as well as application examples in fields such as big data artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things providing new ideas for your professional growth and research direction.
This conference is not only a platform for academic exchange but also an opportunity to establish international cooperation and expand academic networks. Attendees will have the opportunity to communicate face-to-face with peers share research findings discuss potential collaborations and promote academic progress. We look forward to meeting you in Kunming to jointly promote innovation and development in the fields of software engineering and computer applications. Please follow our conference website immediately to learn more detailed information and register in advance to enjoy early bird discounts. Kunming is looking forward to your arrival!
Important Dates
Abstract Submission Deadline:March 1 2025
Full Paper Submission Deadline:April 1 2025
Notification Of Acceptance Or Rejection:May 1 2025
Registration Deadline:May 14 2025
Call For Papers
2025 International Conference on Software Engineering and Computer Applications (SECA 2025) provides a premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Software Engineering and Computer Applications. The conference will bring together leading researchers social workers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world.
The topics of interest for submission include but are not limited to:
■ Track 1: Software Engineering Methods
- Software verification
- Static program analysis
- programming language
- Constraints and Logic Programming
- Summary Explanation
- Web Application Security
- software security
- Intelligent driven software engineering
- intelligent system
- Semantic data analysis
- artificial neural network
- fuzzy control
■ Track 2: Software Engineering and Network DesignSoftware Architecture
- Software design methodology
- Software Domain Modeling
- Software Engineering Decision Support
- Software testing technology
- Automated software design
- Network Programming
- Authentication Protocol
- Software Defined Networking (SDN)
- Protocol Design and Development
- Network Programming
- Network Function Virtualization (NFV)
- Real time communication system
■ Track 3: System Software Engineering
- Software Engineering for Intelligent Agents
- Environmental Resource Management
- Architecture centric development
- Component ba
sed design - Development process
- Evaluation validation and confirmation of software systems
- fr
amework and design patterns from environmental systems and networks - Hardware and software integration
- interface
- Innovative Engineering Paradigm
- Methods and techniques for designing analyzing and building systems
- Quality and reliability of environmental software systems
- Tools for designing analyzing and building systems
- Human machine ob
ject fusion ubiquitous computing - Robot system
hot.gif All papers both invited and contributed will be reviewed by two or three expert reviewers from the conference committees. After a careful reviewing process all accepted papers of SECA 2025 will be published in ACM International Conference Proceedings Series which will be archived in the ACM Digital Library and indexed by EI Compendex Scopus.
All submitted articles should report original results experimental or theoretical not previously published or being under consideration for publication elsewhere. Articles submitted to the conference should meet these criteria. We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the most essential virtue of any academics. Hence any act of plagiarism or other misconduct is totally unacceptable and cannot be tolerated.