2024 International Conference on Industrial Automation and Robotics
2024年工业自动化与机器人国际学术会议(IAR 2024)将于2024年10月18-20日在新加坡隆重召开。会议将围绕“工业自动化”与“智能机器人”等相关最新研究领域,为来自国内外高等院校、科学研究所、企事业单位的专家、教授、学者、工程师等提供一个分享专业经验,扩大专业网络,面对面交流新思想以及展示研究成果的国际平台,探讨本领域发展所面临的关键性挑战问题和研究方向,以期推动该领域理论、技术在高校和企业的发展和应用,也为参会者建立业务或研究上的联系以及寻找未来事业上的全球合作伙伴。
Nanyang Technological University - NTU Singapore
AI Research Centre at
Woxsen University
Robotics And Research
Automaton Lab
University of Agder
Prof. Jagath Rajapakse
IEEE Fellow
Nanyang Technological University, SingaporeJagath Rajapakse 教授是新加坡南洋理工大学(NTU)计算机科学与工程系教授,他拥有斯里兰卡莫拉图瓦大学(UM)电子与电信工程学士学位,以及美国布法罗大学(UB)电子与计算机工程硕士学位和博士学位。 他曾是麻省理工学院(MIT)生物工程系的客座教授。
他的研究领域包括数据科学、机器学习、脑成像以及计算和系统生物学。他已在高影响力期刊和会议上发表了 300 多篇经同行评审的研究文章。 他的研究文章在谷歌学术上被引用超过 14,000 次。最近,他被《斯坦福研究》评为全球排名前 2% 的科学家之一。
他担任《人工智能工程应用》(Engineering Applications in Artificial Intelligence)杂志编辑(IF = 7.802),并担任《电气和电子工程师学会医学影像论文集》(IEEE Transactions on medical imaging)、《电气和电子工程师学会神经网络和学习系统论文集》(IEEE Transaction on neural networks and learning systems)和《电气和电子工程师学会计算生物学和生物信息学论文集》(IEEE Transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics)副主编。 他曾是富布赖特学者,并于 2012 年被任命为 IEEE Fellow,以表彰他在脑图像分析方面的贡献。
Title: Thermal hotspot detection for preventive maintenance and safey
Assoc. Prof. Ming Xie
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore谢明副教授现任南洋理工大学副教授、《仿人机器人国际期刊》(SCI/SCIE 索引)主编、《IEEE Transaction on Autonomous Mental Development》副主编以及私营公司董事。 此外,谢明还曾担任 2007 年攀爬和行走机器人国际会议和 2009 年智能机器人及应用国际会议的总主席。于 1984 年获得控制与自动化专业工学学士学位。
此后,他于 1986 年获得法国瓦朗谢讷大学工业自动化硕士学位,1989 年获得法国雷恩大学信息学博士学位。他于 2003 年出版了一本机器人学畅销书,迄今已发表 100 多篇研究论文。谢明的研究强项是机器智能、仿人机器人和自动驾驶汽车。他总共获得过两次科学竞赛奖和两次最佳会议论文奖。
本会议所有的投稿都必须经过2-3位组委会专家审稿,经过严格的审稿之后,最终所有录用的论文将提交至ACM International Conference Proceedings Series(ISBN: 979-8-4007-1126-8)出版社,见刊后由出版社提交至 EI Compendex, SCOPUS检索,目前该出版社EI检索非常稳定。
About IAR 2024
2024 International Conference on Industrial Automation and Robotics
The International Academic Conference on Industrial Automation and Robotics 2024 (IAR 2024) will be held on Oct. 18-20 2024 in Singapore. The conference will provide an international platform for experts professors scholars engineers etc. from universities scientific research institutes enterprises and institutions at home and abroad to share their professional experiences expand their professional networks exchange new ideas face-to-face and present their research results centering on the latest research fields of “Industrial Automation“ and “Intelligent Robotics“. It provides an international platform for experts professors scholars and engineers from domestic and foreign universities research institutes enterprises and institutions to share their professional experiences expand their professional networks exchange new ideas face-to-face and present their research results to discuss the key challenges and research directions of the development of this field with a view to promoting the development and application of the theories and technologies of this field in universities and enterprises as well as to establish business or research contacts for the attendees and to find global partners for their future endeavors.
Welcome to Join IAR 2024
Join as Presenter
If you are only interested in giving a presentation at the conference without publishing your paper in the proceedings you can choose to attend IAR 2024 as a Presenter. As a presenter you need to submit the Abstract and ti
Join as Listener
IAR 2024 is an unmissable conference. It is a good chance and an effective platform for you to meet many renowned experts and researchers in the field of the latest academic research. You are welcome to attend this great event. You just need to complete the registration as a Listener before the registration deadline.
Important Dates
Full Paper Submission Date
September 20 2024
Notification Date
October 16 2024
Registration Deadline
October 17 2024
Conference Dates
October 18-20 2024
Prof. Jagath Chandana Rajapakse
IEEE Fellow
Nanyang Technological University Singapore
Email: asjagath@ntu.edu.sg
Jagath Rajapakse is Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore. He has BSc degree in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from University of Moratuwa (UM) Sri Lanka and MS and PhD degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University at Buffalo (UB) USA. He was Visiting Professor to the Department of Biological Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
His research works are in the areas of data science machine learning brain imaging and computational and systems biology. He has published over 300 peer-reviewed research articles in high-impact journals and conferences. His research articles have been cited over 14000 times on Google Scholar. He was recently ranked among the top 2% scientists globally by Stanford Study.
He serves as Editor for Engineering Applications in Artificial Intelligence journal (IF = 7.802) and served as Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on medical imaging IEEE Transaction on neural networks and learning systems and IEEE Transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics. He was a Fulbright Scholar and appointed IEEE Fellow in 2012 in recognition of his contributions to brain image analysis.
Abstract: In the realm of preventive maintenance and safety the detection of thermal hotspots is pivotal. Theseanomalous areas characterized by elevated temperatures compared to their surroundings often preludeequipment failure energy loss or even hazardous conditions that could lead to catastrophic eventsThermal imaging which translates heat into visible data has become an indispensable tool in identifyingthese hotspots early. However the traditional reliance on manual analysis and labeled data for hotspotdetection presents significant limitations in terms of scalability speed and adaptability. Addressing thesechallenges reguires innovative approaches that leverage the latest advancements in machine learning toautomate and enhance the accuracy of hotspot detection.....
Assoc. Prof. Ming Xie
Nanyang Technological University Singapore
Email: mmxie@ntu.edu.sg
Xie Ming is holding the positions of Associate Professor at Nanyang Technological University Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Humanoid Robotics (Indexed by SCI/SCIE) Associate Editor of IEEE Transaction on Autonomous Mental Development and Director of private companies. He has served as technical consultants to Asia Electronics Pte Ltd in 1994 Port of Singapore Authority in 1994 Delphi Automotive Systems Pte Ltd in 2001 ST Aerospace Ltd in 2006 Murata Electronics Pte Ltd in 2007 and Sony Electronics Pte Ltd in 2007. He has also worked with Renault Automation (Paris/France) in 1986 INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (Nice/France) between 1990 and 1993 and Singapore-MIT Alliance between 2000 and 2004. In addition Xie Ming has served as the General Chair of International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots in 2007 and International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications in 2009. Xie Ming obtained his B.Eng in control and automation in 1984. At the same year he was selected as one of Chinese government‘s overseas scholars. Thereafter he obtained the Master degree in industrial automation from the University of Valenciennes (France) in 1986 and the Ph.D degree in informatics from the University of Rennes (France) in 1989. He has published one best-selling book in robotics in 2003 and over 100 research papers so far. Xie Ming has taught a number of university courses such as Applied Machine Vision Robotics Computer Graphics Statistical Process Control and Physics. Xie Ming‘s research strengths are in machine intelligence humanoid robotics and autonomous vehicles. In total he has won two scientific competition awards and two best conference paper awards.
Call For Papers
2024 International Conference onIndustrial Automation and Robotics(IAR 2024)will bring together leading researchers engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world.
The topics of interest for submission include but are not limited to:
Track 1: Robotics and Intelligent Interaction
Robotics and Intelligent Interaction
Intelligent Sensors
Visual Perception
User Interface Design
Robot Sensing and Understanding
Multimodal Interaction
Environment Sensing
Information Fusion
Speech Interaction
Neural Networks
Visual Interaction
Brain-Computer Interface
Operating Systems
Machine Vision
Track 2: Industrial Automation and Intelligent Control
Bionic Robotics
Deep Learning
Intelligent Decision Making and Control
Nonlinear Control
Control Systems
Fault Detection
Digital Twins
Adaptive Control
Motion Control
Intelligent Information Processing
Fuzzy Control
Pattern Recognition
Signal Processing
All accepted full papers will be published in the conference proceedings and will be submitted to EI Compendex / Scopus for indexing.
Note: All submitted articles should report original research results experimental or theoretical not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. Articles submitted to the conference should meet these criteria. We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the most essential virtue of any academics. Hence any act of plagiarism or other misconduct is totally unacceptable and cannot be tolerated.
Submission and Review Process
Submissions should be sent to our submission system before the submission deadline. All submissions will be subjected to preliminary review and peer-review (double blind).
All papers that conform to the submission guidelines will be sent to two review steps. The preliminary review will take 1-3 working days by the conference committee members if the submission passed the preliminary review then it will be sent for peer-reviewed (double blind) by 2-3 Committee Members. The review result comes out within 28-35 days and will be sent to the authors by email along with the review comments.
If the paper needs necessary revising (minor or major revisions) the revised version should be submitted again for peer review by the initial reviewer(s). Authors are allowed to submit the revisions within 10 days. If the revisions are accepted by the initial reviewer(s) then the revised papers will be accepted by the conference. IAR 2024 do not accept multiple submissions plagiarism and self-plagiarism. Submissions in violation will be rejected without review.