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2024 International Conference on Electronics and Wireless Communications

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    2024电子与无线通信国际研讨会(ICEWC 2024)将于2024年10月18-20日在安徽合肥举行。





















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    - About MAEIE 2024 -

    The 4th International Conference on Mechanical Automation and Electronic Information Engineering (MAEIE 2024) is going to be held on October 18-20 2024 in Hefei China.

    MAEIE 2024 takes “bringing together global wisdom in scientific innovation to promote high-quality development in the field of mechanical and electronics” as the theme and focuses on cutting-edge technology. MAEIE 2024 aims to boost the development of the related technology expand channels of international academic exchange in science and technology build a sharing platform of academic resources promote scientific innovation on the global scale and strengthen academic cooperation between China and the outside world enhance the development of industries of mechanical and electronic engineering. It also aims to encourage the exchange of information on frontiers of research in different areas connect the most advanced academic resources in China and the world turn research results into industrial solutions and bring together talents technologies and capital to boost development.


    Full Paper Submission Date

    August 5 2024

    Registration Deadline

    September 25 2024

    Final Paper Submission Date

    September 15 2024

    Conference Dates

    October 18-20 2024


    Prof Chen I-Ming

    Nanyang Technological University Singapore

    Dr. Chen Fellow of IEEE (Class of 2012) and Fellow of ASME has been with the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of Nanyang Technological University in Singapore since 1995. He is currently Co-Director of CARTIN and Director of Robotics Research Center from 2014 to 2017 Director of Intelligent Systems Center from 2006 to 2016. He was JSPS Visiting Scholar in Kyoto University in 1999 and Tokyo University in 2009 Visiting Scholar in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of MIT in 2004 and Fellow of Singapore-MIT Alliance under Innovation in Manufacturing Systems and Technology (IMST) Program (2002-2007). His research interests are in construction and logistics robots wearable sensors human-robot interaction and reconfigurable automation. He is Editor-in-chief of IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics from 2020 to 2022 and also General Chairman of IEEE ICRA 2017 in Singapore (May 8-12 2017). He co-founded two robotics companies: Transforma Robotics and Hand Plus Robotics.

    Prof. Bin Zi

    Hefei University of Technology China

    Prof. Zi is currently the dean of the School of Mechanical Engineering Hefei University of Technology director of the Institute of Robotics the winner of National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars and “Huangshan Scholar“ Distinguished Professor. His main research interests include rigid-flexible coupling intelligent robot theory technology and equipment intelligent manufacturing system control and automation and electromechanical system dynamics and control technology. He has been in charge of 1 project of National Key R&D Program “Intelligent Robotics“ 5 projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China 1 project of Ministry of Education‘s Joint Fund for Equipment Pre-research and more than 10 projects at provincial and ministerial levels. He has participated in more than 10 key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and key projects of the National 863 Program. Authorized more than 60 Chinese invention patents 2 American and Canadian invention patents and more than 20 software copyrights. He was awarded the Anhui Provincial Scientific and Technological Progress Award the Second Prize of Technical Invention of the Chinese Institute of Electronics the Second Prize of Scientific and Technological Progress of the Ministry of Education etc. He has been awarded the Special Grant of China Postdoctoral Science Fund. He serves as an editorial board member of Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering International Journal of Mechanisms and Robotic Systems Robotics Robotics Technology and Applications and other journals.

    Prof. Xinyu Wu

    Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology,Chinese Academy of Sciences China

    He is a recipient of National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars and is currently the deputy director of Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Integrated Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences (SIAT). At present he is mainly engaged in the research of basic theories and key technologies of human-machine fusion service robots and has published more than 260 papers in international journals in the field of robotics such as IEEE TSMC TASE TMECH and international robotics conferences such as ICRA IROS etc. He has also published two monographs in English including Household Service Robotics and has authorized 63 patents for his inventions. He has been authorized 63 national invention patents. He is currently responsible for the key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) National Key R&D Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (MOST) and Guangdong Key R&D Program. He is a member of the Expert Group for the Implementation Plan and Guideline Preparation of the National Key R&D Program “Intelligent Robotics“ an expert for the Guideline Preparation of the National Key R&D Program “Risk Prevention Control and Emergency Response Technology and Equipment“ and a deputy leader of the Advisory Expert Group for the Major Special Project on Intelligent Robotics in Guangdong Province. He is also the deputy head of the consulting expert group of Guangdong Intelligent Robotics Program. He is currently serving as an editorial board member of several international journals including IEEE TSMC TASE and RA-Letters.

    Prof. Guilin Yang

    Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology&EngineeringChinese Academy of Sciences China

    Currently Prof. Yang is the deputy director of Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology & Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is also an expert of National Talent Plan and Outstanding Mid-aged Experts of Zhejiang Province. He has been engaged in the research of mechatronics robotics and manufacturing automation for a long time and his main research interests include precision electromagnetic drives flexible micro-nano manipulation robots modular reconfigurable robots rope-driven robots and industrial robots. He had been in charge of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) top-level and joint-funded projects key deployment projects of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) the STS project of CAS the high-end innovation team project of Ningbo City as well as a number of enterprise cooperation projects. He has published more than 330 academic papers more than 10 book chapters 2 books (co-authored) 2 books (co-edited) and a volume of manuals and more than 130 domestic and foreign patents. He was awarded the R&D 100 Awards in 2014 the First Prize of China Industry-University-Research Cooperation Innovation Achievement in 2018 the Gold Medal of China Good Design in 2020 the First Prize of Ningbo Science and Technology Progress Award in 2020 and the China Patent Award of Excellence in 2022 and so on.

    Prof. Wenjie Chen

    Anhui University China

    He is a professor at Anhui University a senior member of IEEE the executive deputy director of “Anhui Engineering Laboratory of Human-Machine Integration Systems and Intelligent Equipment“ an automation technology consultant for many governmental organizations and high-tech enterprises and a senior researcher at the former Agency for Science Technology and Research (ASTAR) in Singapore. His main research areas are precision mechanisms and micro-assembly systems for chip manufacturing dexterous grasping of intelligent robots cooperative robots with integrated operation power-assisted exoskeletons and serpentine robots etc. He is leading a team that focuses on the national strategic needs. He is leading a team that focuses on the cross-fertilization of innovative technologies of mechanism actuation sensing and control in the above fields for the national strategic needs. With more than 30 years of research experience he specializes in applying “mechanical intelligence“ to solve adaptive problems in precision assembly and robot manipulation. He has led and participated in 5 National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) projects and more than a dozen other government and industry-funded projects on robot manipulation and assembly. He has published more than 100 high-level academic papers and holds more than 20 authorized invention patents.

    Prof. Shaoping Bai

    Aalborg University (AAU) Denmark

    Shaoping Bai is a full professor at Department of Materials and Production Aalborg University (AAU) Denmark. His research interests include wearable sensors medical and assistive robots and exoskeletons. Prof. Bai leads several national and international research projects in exoskeletons including EU AXO-SUIT and IFD Grand Solutions project EXO-AIDER and Danish Independent Research Council project VIEXO among others. He is a recipient of IEEE CIS-RAM 2017 Best Paper Award IFToMM MEDER 2018 Best Application Paper Award and WearRAcon2018 Grand Prize of Innovation Challenges. Prof. Bai was an associate editor of ASME J. of Mechanisms and Robotics IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters and is an associator editor of Robotica. He is the founder of BioX ApS an AAU spin-off on wearable technologies. He is an elected member of IFToMM Executive Council and serves as a deputy chair of IFToMM Denmark.


    2024 4th International Conference on Mechanical Automation and Electronic Information Engineering(MAEIE 2024)will bring together leading researchers engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world.

    The topics of interest for submission include but are not limited to:

    Mechanical Automation

    1. CNC technology and CNC system

    2. Intelligent manufacturing technology

    3. Test techniques and troubleshooting

    4. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems (CIMS)

    5. Molding manufacturing and automation

    6. Instrument Science and Technology

    7. Fluid Machinery and Engineering

    8. Mechatronics

    9. Automatic control and technology

    10. Automated instrumentation and equipment

    11. Factory modeling and automation

    12. Circuits and systems

    13. Communications and Information Systems

    14. Electronic systems

    15. Human-computer interaction and mechatronic engineering

    Electronic Information Engineering

    1. Power electronics technology

    2. Communication signal processing

    3. Radar Engineering

    4. Digital signal processing

    5. Electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic waves

    6. Electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic waves

    7. Signal and image processing

    8. Automatic control and intelligent control

    9. Computer and network technology

    10. Network and office automation technology

    11. Multimedia technology

    12. Microcontroller technology

    13. Electronic system design process

    14. Electronic Design Automation (EDA) technology

    15. Circuits and systems

    16. Smart meters

    17. Communications and information systems

    18. Communications and information systems

    19. Signal and information processing

    20. Parallel and distributed computing

    21. Electronics and Communication Engineering

    22. Power electronics and electric drives

    23. Optoelectronic Information Engineering

    24. Physical Electronics

    25. Electronic systems

    26. Artificial neural networks

    27. Semiconductor devices

    28. Microprocessor

    29. Photonic technology

    30. Aerospace electronics technology

    31. Electromagnetic fields and microwaves

    32. Information processing

    33. Measuring and testing technology and instrumentation


    All papers both invited and contributed will be reviewed by two or three experts from the committees. After a careful reviewing process all accepted papers of MAEIE 2024 will be published in IEEE (ISBN: 979-8-3315-0710-7) and it will be submitted to EI Compendex and Scopus for indexing.

    MAEIE 2023: EI Compendex丨Scopus

    MAEIE 2022: EI Compendex丨Scopus

    MAEIE 2021: EI Compendex丨Scopus

    Note: All submitted articles should report original research results experimental or theoretical not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. Articles submitted to the conference should meet these criteria. We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the most essential virtue of any academics. Hence any act of plagiarism or other misconduct is totally unacceptable and cannot be tolerated.

    标签: 合肥学术会议