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2025 4th International Conference on Bigdata Blockchain and Economy Management

发布时间:2024-09-05 17:20:41 人浏览过
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  • 大会简介

    第四届大数据、区块链与经济管理国际学术会议(ICBBEM 2025),将于2025年3月7-9日在中国江苏省无锡市召开。会议主题主要围绕大数据、区块链和经济管理等相关研究领域展开讨论,旨在为相关研究方向的专家学者及企业发展人提供一个分享研究成果、讨论存在的问题与挑战、探索前沿科技的国际性合作交流平台。















































    本会议所接收的投稿经过2-3位组委会专家的严格审稿后,最终所录用的所有论文将以会议论文集的形式正式出版,并提交至EI Compendex, Scopus检索。

    2、ICBBEM 2025合作英文普刊

    《商业与经济研究进展》Online ISSN: 2209-265X 是一本同行评审、开放获取的国际期刊,着力于公司与金融行为理论及应用的研究。该刊致力于推动商务经济与管理领域的研究




    3、ICBBEM 2025合作英文期刊

    《基础设施、政策与发展杂志》(JIPD) 是一本多学科、双盲同行评审期刊,致力于发表有关基础设施、经济发展和公共政策的高质量文章。期刊名称中的“基础设施”、“发展”和“政策”三个词是本刊的核心。JIPD已被Scopus收录,在本刊上发表文章的作者将享受最大程度的曝光。

    征稿主题: 教育系统、医疗保健系统、社会制度、制度改革、城市发展、绿色发展、适应气候变化的基础设施、基础设施融资、基础设施管理,其他符合期刊主题方向皆可投稿。

    《语言研究论坛》(FLS)是由Whioce Publishing Pte. Ltd.出版的国际同行评议期刊,旨在发表语言学和应用语言学以及语言哲学的最新研究成果。该期刊服务于广泛的读者群体,包括语言研究人员、语言学家、教师、教育工作者、从业人员以及对语言和语言学感兴趣的人士。

    征稿主题: 音韵学、句法学、语义学、语用学、认知功能语言学、对话研究、语言教学、语言习得、语言政策、语言哲学、语言景观学,其他符合期刊主题方向皆可投稿。


    征稿主题: 环境与人类行为之间的联系、环境与人类心理之间的联系、环境对社会心理学的影响,其他符合期刊主题方向皆可投稿。


    - About ICBBEM 2025 -

    As a promising technique to achieve decentralized consensus blockchain has been successfully applied into digital currency e.g. bitcoin for serving as a public ledger for transactions. Its secure design for supporting a distributed computing system with high fault tolerance is attracting wide attention all over the world. Blockchain has a great potential to create new foundations for our socio-economic systems by efficiently establishing trust among people and machines reducing cost and increasing utilization of resources. On one hand blockchain will play an important role for secure decentralization in such emerging fields as Internet of Things Cyber Physical Systems edge computing social networking crowdsourcing and next generation wireless communications and even more other fields. On the other hand its advance should be further evolved in terms of scalability security privacy efficiency flexibility availability real decentralization and high dependability.lars in the following aspects:

    Understand academic development trends broaden research ideas strengthen academic research and discussion and promote the industrialization cooperation of academic achievements.

    · Promote the institutionalization and standardization of management science through modern research.

    2025 4th International Conference on Bigdata Blockchain and Economy Management (ICBBEM 2025) will be held in Wuhan China during March 07-09 2025.

    We warmly invite you to participate in ICBBEM 2025 and look forward to seeing you in Wuxi China.

    Important Dates

    Full Paper Submission Date

    February 15 2025

    Registration Deadline

    February 25 2025

    Final Paper Submission Date

    March 01 2025

    Conference Dates

    March 07 - 09 2025

    CommitteeConference General Chair

    Zibin Zheng Sun Yat-sen University China (IEEE Fellow IET fellow)

    Chuanwang Sun Nanchang University China

    Technical Program Committee Chairs

    Min Chen South China University of Technology China (IEEE Fellow)

    Technical Program Committee Co-chairs

    Bin Liu Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University China

    Huanmin Yan Nanchang University China

    Prof. Janardan Krishna Yadav O P Jindal Global University India

    Publication Chair

    Prof. Wenbing Zhao Cleveland State University USA (IEEE Senior Member)

    Organizing Committee Chairs

    HaiboHu Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics China

    Yan Luo Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University China

    Organizing Committees

    Zhihua Xie Beijing Technology and Business University China

    Shuming Zhao Nanjing University China

    Yongqiang Ma Southwestern University of Finance and Economics China

    Jiangbo Zheng Guangdong Procurement and Supply Chain Association China

    Haocun Wu School of Economics and Finance South China University of Technology China

    Tian Shizhong Economics School Anhui University China

    Technical Program Committees

    Jerry Chun-Wei Lin Western Norway University of Applied Sciences Norway

    Wilson Xinbao LI Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College China

    Bifei Tian Zhongnan University of Economics and Law China

    Faruk Balli Massey University New Zealand

    Lin Liu Digital Marketing Beihang University China

    Yihong Xu JiangHan University China

    Fei Wang North China Electric Power University China

    Zhenzhi Lin Zhejiang Universitys China

    Sikandar Ali Qalati Jiangsu University China

    Tao Huang Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College China

    Tsotne Zhghenti Business and Technology University Georgia

    Sijie Chen Shanghai Jiao Tong University China

    IvanKrumov Todorov South-West University Bulgaria

    Ying Yu Jinan University China

    Abdullah Bin Gani University of Malaya Malaysia

    Osama Mohammed Florida International University USA

    Hang Yu Shanghai University China

    Panos Pardalos University of Florida USA

    Natālija Cude?ka-Puri?a BA School of Business and Finance Latvia

    Abdul Samad bin Shibghatullah UCSI University Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

    Gheorghe GrigorasTehnical University of Iasi Ia?i Romania

    Robert M Cuzner University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee USA

    Hua Li Nanyang Technological University Singapore

    Hartmut Hinz Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences Germany

    Nikolaos Freris Shenzhen University China

    Yudong Zhang University of Leicester UK

    Dan Pei Tsinghua University China

    Han Zhu University of Houston USA

    Siu On ChanThe Chinese University of Hong Kong China

    Frank Xue The University of Hong Kong China

    Call For Papers

    2025 4th International Conference on Bigdata Blockchain and Economy Management (ICBBEM 2025) will bring together leading researchers engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world.

    Manuscripts passed the peer-review process by expert reviewers from the conference organizing committee will be accepted and published. The published papers will then be submitted to EI Compendex Scopus for indexing. They need to be combined with computer or other engineering words. Review articles cannot be accepted.

    The topics of interest for submission include but are not limited to:

    Big data

    Algorithmic experimental prototyping and implementation

    Big Data Algorithms Applications and Services

    Big Data Management and Applications

    Data Quality and Data Preparation

    Knowledge discovery from big data

    Infrastructure for big data and blockchain

    Applications and Innovation of Blockchain

    Applications with blockchain technique

    Attacks on blockchain based systems

    Blockchain and Bitcoin security

    Blockchain and trust management

    Blockchain based IoT security solutions

    Blockchain data management

    Blockchain data provenance

    Smart contract and distributed ledger

    Transaction management on blockchain

    Information retrieval on blockchain

    Data security privacy and trust in blockchain

    Security privacy and trust of blockchain and decentralized schemes

    Economic Management Innovation

    Digital economy and artificial intelligence technology and application

    Information technology and economic management

    Economic modeling and software Engineering

    Linear regression analysis

    Modeling and prediction of ARMA time series

    Complex data modeling in economic management

    Application of algorithm in economic management

    Electronic commerce and digital business

    The deep integration of artificial intelligence and financial industry

    Application of big data technology in financial regulation


    All papers will be reviewed by two or three expert reviewers from the conference committees. After a careful reviewing process all accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings and submitted to EI Compendex Scopus for indexing.

    Note: All submitted articles should report original research results experimental or theoretical not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. Articles submitted to the conference should meet these criteria. We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the most essential virtue of any academics. Hence any act of plagiarism or other misconduct is totally unacceptable and cannot be tolerated.

    标签: 无锡学术会议