2025 2nd International Conference on Optoelectronic Information and Optical Engineering
为适应国际新时代光电发展特征,对光学、电子信息等发展注入新动能,扩大国际科研学术合作交流渠道,搭建科研学术资源共享平台,推动科技学术创新,将于2025年2月28-3月2日在中国大理举办“2025年光电信息与光学工程国际学术会议(OIOE 2025)”,以此交流全球相关领域科技学术最新发展趋势,链接重点领域国内外顶尖、活跃、最新学术资源,通过经验分享和智慧碰撞,推动科研学术成果转化和人才、技术、资本聚集,提升发展新动能。
Harith Ahmad教授
Harith Ahmad教授,现任马来西亚马来亚大学理学院物理系教授、光子学研究中心主任,该中心是马来西亚教育部下属的高等教育卓越中心(HiCOE)。
Harith Ahmad教授2006年任马来西亚科学院院士,曾获马来西亚东丽科学基金会奖,默迪卡学术成就奖,东盟杰出科学家和技术奖,马来西亚教育部杰出教授奖。其在谷歌学术的H指数为60,在isi -index上发表文章520余篇。研究方向:包括光纤、光放大器和激光、光电等。
江明 教授、博士生导师
岳洋 教授、博士生导师
岳洋教授是SPIE会士、IEEE/Optica高级会员、国家级青年人才计划入选者、智能光子应用技术实验室(iPatLab)创始人及现任PI。博士毕业后曾任职于美国硅谷半导体公司和网络设备公司。2021年入选西安交通大学“青年拔尖人才支持计划”。已发表论文260余篇(包括SCI),专利60余项,编著英文书6部,获邀报告200余次。现任IEEE Access/Frontiers in Physics副主编,Sensors等4个学术期刊编委,J. Lightw. Technol.等特刊客座编辑10余次.
李博 研究员、博士生导师
李博,博士研究生,长春光机所空间一部研究员,博士生导师。国家科技专家库成员,国家科技奖励专家库成员,中国科协工程领域专家,吉林省遥感协会常务理事,吉林省科技专家库成员,中国光学工程学会高级会员,吉林省高层次人才 C 类, 长春光机所旭光人才。荣获国家科技进步二等奖一项,吉林省科技进步一等奖一项。目前主要从事高光谱载荷总体技术、紫外预警技术及深空光谱探测技术的研究,主持XX-号XX测量仪、XX成像光谱仪—光机项目,科技部地球观测与导航课题负责人,“风云三号”06星紫外高光谱臭氧廓线探测仪—临边副主任设计师。撰写论文27篇,申报专利 23 项。
魏清阳 教授、博士生导师
北京科技大学自动化学院仪器系主任,北京市工业波谱成像工程技术研究中心副主任,中国核学会核仪器分会理事,中国医学装备协会核医学装备委员会委员,《Radiation Detection Technology and Methods》和《原子能科学与技术》期刊青年编委,IEEE Senior Member,从事核辐射探测与成像仪器研发,用于核安全和核医学。
研究方向:包括核医学成像设备及方法 ,核辐射探测与识别技术,医学图像校正、重建和后处理等。
所有的投稿都必须经过2-3位组委会专家审稿,经过严格的审稿之后,最终所有录用的论文将录用论文将以会议论文集的形式出版,见刊后由期刊社提交至 EI Compendex, SCOPUS 检索。
- About OIOE 2025 -
2025 2nd International Conference on Optoelectronic Information and Optical Engineering
OIOE 2025 will be held in Dali during February 28 to March 2 2025. The conference will focus on Optoelectronic Information and Optical Engineering discuss the key challenges and research directions faced by the development of this field in order to promote the development and application of theories and technologies in this field in universities and enterprises and provide innovative scholars who focus on this research field engineers and industry experts provide a favorable platform for exchanging new ideas and presenting research results.
Highlights of OIOE 2025 include:
● Speeches and reports by high-level experts in the field of optoelectronics and optics
● Group Discussion
● Paper poster presentations and oral presentations in related fields
● Exchange and study of all kinds of personnel in the same industry
Important Dates —
Full Paper Submission Date
December 31 2025
Registration Deadline
February 15 2025
Final Paper Submission Date
February 15 2025
Conference Dates
February 28-March 2 2025
Conference Chairman
Prof. Ming Jiang Sun Yat-sen University China
Publication Chairs
Prof. Qingyang Wei University of Science and Technology Beijing China
Prof. Yang Yue Xi‘an Jiaotong University China
Prof. Harith Ahmad University of Malaya Malaya
Technical Program Chair
Prof. Ming Jiang Sun Yat-sen University China
Organizing Committee Chair
Assoc. Prof. Chen Lei Shandong University China
Technical Program Committees
Prof. Rajib Biswas Tezpur University India
Prof. Abbas Zarifkar Shiraz University Iran
Prof. Salman Noach Jerusalem College of Technology Israel
Prof. Chandra Shakher Center for Sensors Instrumentation and Cyber-Physical System Engineering India
Prof. Jannick Rolland Institute of Optics University of Rochester USA
Assoc. Prof. Leila Yousefi University of Tehran Iran
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nasharuddin Zainal The National University of MalaysiaMalaysia
Dr. Lee Siang Chuah Universiti Sains Malaysia Malaysia
Dr. Andrey Pryamikov Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Russia
Organizing Committees
Prof. Xin Zhang University of California at San Diego USA
Prof. Yong Wang Shandong University China
Prof. Jianguo Liu Imperial College London UK
Prof. Manuel Filipe Costa Universidade do Minho Portugal
Prof. Lifa Hu Jiangnan university China
Prof. Xueye Chen Ludong University China
Assoc. Prof. HuiSun Shandong University China
Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Azizi Abdullah The National University of MalaysiaMalaysia
Dr. Weiyan Cong Shandong University China
Dr. Graciana Puentes Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina
The topics of interest for submission include but are not limited to:
Photoelectric information
Optoelectronics and Technology
Photoelectric Information Engineering
Photoelectric Signal Acquisition
Optical Communication
Photoelectric Information Processing
Optical Fiber Communication And Systems
Optical Storage and Optical Display
Photoelectric Measurement and Control and Photoelectric Sensing
Photoelectric Detection Technology and Device
Photoelectric Information Application
Photoelectric Imaging Technique
Photoelectric Detection Technology
Photoelectric Instrument Design
Photoelectric Device
Optical Communication and Information Systems
Optical Communication Device and System Technology
Special fiber
Fiber laser
Optical fiber sensing technology and application
Laser spectrum
Optical sensing and optical communication
Optical fiber magnetic field sensing technology
Laser self-mixing interference technique
Optical Engineering
Information Optics
Physical Optics
Applied Optics
Optical Instruments and Technology
Microstructure Optics
Photovoltaic Technology
Integrated Optics
Optical Information Processing
Advanced Sensor Technology
Modern Optical Technology
New optical fiber sensor
Micro nano optics
Random laser
Liquid crystal excited optical fiber material
Quantum optics
Integrated optoelectronics and sensing
Optical measurement technology and its application
Nonlinear optics
Optical quantum physics and applications
Light energy conversion materials
Optical detection
Optical storage and recording
Thin film and integrated optics
Optical remote sensing technology
Integrated optical engineering technology
All papers will be reviewed by two or three expert reviewers. After a careful reviewing process all accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings which will be submitted to EI Compendex Scopus Google Scholar for indexing.
Note: All submitted articles should report original results experimental or theoretical not previously published or being under consideration for publication elsewhere. Articles submitted to the conference should meet these criteria. We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the most essential virtue of any academics. Hence any act of plagiarism or other misconduct is totally unacceptable and cannot be tolerated.