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2025 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Technology Applications

发布时间:2024-09-13 15:14:16 人浏览过
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  • 大会简介

    第五届人工智能与工业技术应用国际学术会议(AIITA 2025)将于2025年3月28-30日在中国西安举行。会议旨在为从事人工智能、智能制造、自动化等领域的专家学者、工程技术人员、研发人员提供一个共享科研成果和前沿技术,了解学术发展趋势,拓宽研究思路,加强学术研究和探讨,促进学术成果产业化合作的平台。大会诚邀国内外高校、科研机构专家、学者,企业界人士及其他相关人员参会交流。







    Honorary Chair 荣誉主席

    Conference General Chair-大会主席

    黄维 教授,中国科学院院士




    巩红 教授,副校长


    Technical Program Committee Chair -程序委员会主席

    唐珂 教授,IEEE Fellow


    闫峥 教授,IEEE Fellow


    王骞 教授,IEEE Fellow


    Publication Chair


    Organizing Committee Chairs


    Publicity Chair


    孔宪光 教授


    王宝友 总工程师


    陈彦萍 教授,院长


    王忠民 教授



    #AIITA 2024会议论文集已出版在JPCS, 等待检索中。

    #AIITA 2023会议论文集已出版在JPCS, 并成功被 EI & Scopus 检索。

    #AIITA 2022会议论文集已出版在JPCS, 并成功被 EI & Scopus 检索。(会后 3个月内被检索)

    #AIITA 2021会议论文集已出版在JPCS, 并成功被 EI & Scopus 检索。(会后 2个月内被检索)



    1. 云计算与智能工厂

    2. 绿色计算与云平台

    3. 混合云环境中智能数据迁移

    4. 算网协同调度

    5. 云计算平台的基础设施优


    1. 大数据的采集与清洗

    2. 数据标注工具与技术

    3. 数据生命周期管理

    4. 元数据管理与标准化

    5. 数据隐私与合规管理

    6. 数据冲突与冗余消解

    7. 数据集成与互操作性

    8. 数据处理的自动化技术

    9. 复杂数据集的管理与存储


    1. 智能控制算法

    2. 机器学习优化工业流程

    3. 人工智能算法优化生产调度

    4. 模型预测控制与机器学习

    5. 自动化设施的嵌入式系统开发

    6. 深度学习算法与工业图像分析

    7. 非线性控制与神经网络方法

    8. AI模型优化

    9. 智能预测异常检测

    10. 自适应控制系统设计


    1. 智能制造系统的设计与优化

    2. 数字孪生技术

    3. AI与灵活制造系统

    4. 多传感器融合与工业应用

    5. 人机协作系统及其创新

    6. 工业生产的智能化管理系统

    7. 机器人与工业自动化


    1. 控制系统与网络安全

    2. 基于区块链的生产追溯系统

    3. 数据安全与隐私保护技术

    4. 控制系统的安全性增强措施

    5. 物联网设备的安全管理

    6. AI与工业安全监控

    7. 安全增强的传感器网络技术

    8. 面向工业应用的安全协议设计

    9. 实时威胁检测与响应技术

    10. 安全事件的预测性分析


    1. 工厂软件系统

    2. 制造执行系统(MES)的智能化

    3. 工业软件的模块化设计

    4. 人工智能与工业软件的集成应用

    5. 基于微服务架构的工业软件开发

    6. 软件定义的工厂网络与管理

    7. 工业4.0平台的软件创新

    8. 工业软件的用户体验优化

    9. 工厂设备的数字化与软件管理

    10. 工业软件解决方案的安全性验证


    所有录用文章在完成注册后被收录至 AIITA 2025会议论文集,并被EI Compendex 和 Scopus 检索。

    - About AIITA -

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a captivating topic in modern academic and scientific circles. As a particularly novel research direction it consistently generates groundbreaking studies and inventions related to artificial intelligence and computing. Furthermore AI finds extensive applications across diverse fields encompassing robotics decision-making control systems simulation applications and numerous other domains.

    The 2025 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Technology Applications (AIITA 2025) is scheduled to take place in Xi‘An China from March 28 to 30 2025. This conference aims to serve as a platform for exploring and discussing innovative ideas and remarkable achievements in AI and computer applications bridging the gap between theoretical research and practical applications. AIITA warmly welcomes authors to submit their articles highlighting ongoing research results projects surveys and industrial experiences that showcase significant advancements in all related areas.

    2024 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Technology Applications(AIITA 2024)has been held on Apri 12-14 2024 in Guangzhou. AIITA 2024 organizing committee adopted hybrid conference style (onsite + online presentation) more than 200 authors and experts  participation.

    Important Dates

    Full Paper Submission Date

    January 15 2025

    Registration Deadline

    February 2 2025

    Final Paper Submission Date

    February 28 2025

    Conference Dates

    March 28-30 2025

    Call For Papers

    Topics include but are not limited to the following areas

    1. Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Manufacturing

    2. Industrial Automation and Intelligent Control Systems

    3. Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Industrial Technology

    4. Intelligent Sensing Technology and Industrial Monitoring System

    5. Industrial Robots and Automated Production Lines

    6. Industrial Internet of Things and Data Analytics

    7. Application of Artificial Intelligence in Quality Control and Fault Diagnosis

    8. Industrial Intelligent Transportation and Logistics Management

    9. Smart Energy and Smart Manufacturing

    10. Application of Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Design and Optimization

    11. Adaptive and Intelligent Manufacturing Systems

    12. Industrial Process Optimization and Predictive Analytics

    13. Application of Artificial Intelligence in Supply Chain Management and Production Planning

    14. Intelligent Industrial Robotics and Collaborative Robotics

    15. Data Security and Privacy Protection in Smart Manufacturing and Industrial Technologies

    Ethical Code

    1. The conference focuses on academic communications and exchange and allows any follow-up based on the published preliminary report here (e.g. an abstract poster or conference presentation).

    2. Authors publish any future papers based on the one published at this conference should cite it and add enough new and significant results as required by the journal(s).

    Publication -

    All papers will be reviewed by two or three expert reviewers from the conference committees. After a careful reviewing process all accepted papers will be published  and submitted to EI Compendex Scopus for indexing.

    标签: 西安学术会议