2025 10th International Conference on Computer and Information Processing Technology
第十届计算机与信息处理技术国际学术会议(ISCIPT 2025)将于2025年4月18日-20日在西安召开会议。ISCIPT 2025将围绕“计算机与信息处理技术”的最新研究领域,为来自国内外高等院校、科学研究所、企事业单位的专家、教授、学者、工程师等提供一个分享专业经验,扩大专业网络,面对面交流新思想以及展示研究成果的国际平台,探讨本领域发展所面临的关键性挑战问题和研究方向,以期推动该领域理论、技术在高校和企业的发展和应用,也为参会者建立业务或研究上的联系以及寻找未来事业上的全球合作伙伴。
会议组委会(ISCIPT 2024)
弋英民 教授/院长
岳洋 教授
梁军利 教授
杨清宇 教授/院长
刘准钆 教授
史凌峰 教授
刘涵 教授
本会议投稿经过2-3位组委会专家严格审核后,最终所录用的论文见刊后由期刊社提交至 EI Compendex和Scopus检索。目前该出版社EI检索非常稳定。
Welcome to ISCIPT 2025 !
2025 10th International Conference on Computer and Information Processing Technology
2025 10th International Conference on Computer and Information Processing Technology (ISCIPT 2025) will be held on April 18-20 2025 in Xi‘an China.
The 2025 10th International Conference on Computer and Information Processing Technology (ISCIPT 2025) will be held on April 18-20 2025 in Xi‘an China. ISCIPT 2025 is to bring together innovative academics and industrial experts in the field of computer and information processing technology in a common forum. The primary goal of the conference is to promote research and developmental activities in computer and information processing technology and another goal is to promote scientific information interchange between researchers developers engineers students and practitioners working all around the world. The conference will be held every year to make it an ideal platform for people to share views and experiences in computer and information processing technology and related areas.
Full Paper Submission Date
February 20 2025
Registration Deadline
March 22 2025
Final Paper Submission Date
March 15 2025
Conference Dates
April 18-20 2025
Call For Papers
The topics of interest for submission include but are not limited to:
* Computer Science and Technology
Development research and engineering applications
Virtual Reality Application Technology
Mobile Internet Application Technology
Computer Network
Computer Security Programming
Applied Cryptography
Internet of Things mobile and em
Programming languages or architecture support for software development
Highly reliable processors and system architectures
Image processors and heterogeneous computing
Cloud computing
* Cloud Computing Technology
Cloud computing system and architecture
Edge computing systems and architectures
Social and mobile cloud applications
Large-scale cloud applications
Cryptographic algorithms and protocols
Fault tolerance high availability and reliability
Resource energy and data management
Storage systems and new technologies
SDN and data center networking
Blockchain systems
Information Technology in the Enterprise
* Information and Communication Engineering
Optical networks
New architectures for optical routers and switches
New technologies for optical fiber
Information and scientific visualization
Communication networks
Internet of Things (IoT)
High-performance integrated circuits
New Panel Display
Information Processing
Speech and Image Processing
Pattern Recognition and Devices
Information Systems and Security
Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
Real-time Signal and Processing
Communication Technology
Information Management Systems
5G Communication and Signal Processing
5G application technology development
Submit to Conference Proceedings (EI)
All papersboth invited and contributed the accepted papers will be published for inclusion into Conference proceedings with meeting scope and quality requirements and also submitted to EI Compendex and Scopus for indexing. All conference proceedings paper can not be less than 4 pages.
Note: All submitted articles should report original research results experimental or theoretical not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. Articles submitted to the conference should meet these criteria. We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the most essential virtue of any academics. Hence any act of plagiarism or other misconduct is totally unacceptable and cannot be tolerated.