2025 6th International Conference on Clean Energy and Electric Power Engineering
在全球气候变化挑战日益严峻的背景下,清洁能源开发与电力工程技术创新已 经成为各国关注的重大战略课题。由南京工业大学主办的第六届清洁能源与电力工程 国际学术会议(ICCEPE 2025)将于2025年3月28日至30日在风景如画的江苏省扬州市 隆重举行。本次会议的主题是“清洁能源与电力工程”,旨在汇聚全球智慧,通过交 流最新研究成果、探讨面临的问题与挑战、展望未来发展前景,为清洁能源与电力工 程的融合创新提供一个宝贵的国际合作与交流平台,推动这一领域的科技进步与产业 发展。
大会将吸引来自世界各地的高校与科研机构的专家学者、企业界人士及其他相 关从业者,共同分享与交流最新的科研进展和技术成果。通过汇集多方观点与智慧, 参会者将能够在这里找到创新灵感、推动跨界合作,进一步推动清洁能源与电力工程 领域的可持续发展。 我们热诚邀请国内外学者踊跃投稿参会,集思广益,共同探讨清洁能源与电力工 程的应用前景与技术突破。让我们相聚扬州,为实现一个更加绿色、低碳和可持续的 未来贡献我们的智慧和力量。
ICCEPE 2025投稿,都必须经过2-3位组委会专家审稿,经过严格的审稿之后,最终所有录用的论文将以会议论文集形式出版,见刊后由出版社提交至EI, Scopus检索。
- Welcome To ICCEPE 2025 -
2025 6th International Conference on Clean Energy and Electric Power Engineering (ICCEPE 2025) will be held in Yangzhou China on March 28-30 2025. ICCEPE 2025 is to bring together innovative academics and industrial experts in the field of clean energy and electric power engineering to a common forum. The primary goal of the conference is to promote research and developmental activities in clean energy and electric power engineering and another goal is to promote scientific information interchange between researchers developers engineers students and practitioners working all around the world. The conference will be held every year to make it an ideal platform for people to share views and experiences in clean energy and electric power engineering and related areas.
Full Paper Submission Date
January 13 2025
Registration Deadline
February 10 2025
Final Paper Submission Date
March 3 2025
Conference Dates
March 28-30 2025
Call For Papers
The topics of interest for submission include but are not limited to:
· Clean energy
(1) Renewable energy technologies and systems
(2) Renewable energy storage technology
(3) Energy efficiency
(4) Solar thermal energy
(5) Solar seawater desalination
(6) Solar energy materials
(7) Photovoltaic wind technology
(8) Economic feasibility of renewable energy system
(9) Hydrogen energy production
(10) Hydrogen storage
(11) Fuel cell
(12) Hydrogen economy
(13) Biomass and biofuels
(14) Waste to energy
(15) Nuclear energy
(16) Energy management
(17) Energy security and clean utilization
(18) Energy management control system
(19) Bioenergy
(20) Passive solar building
(21) Sustainable buildings
(22) Energy and architecture
· Power Engineering
(1) Electric power allocation
(2) Power flow analysis
(3) Power quality
(4) Cogeneration and distributed generation
(5) Power system and energy
(6) Power transportation system integration (multi-energy system integration)
(7) Distributed energy storage power generation
(8) Planning operation and control of transmission and distribution network
(9) High voltage technology
(10) Power engineering and power system
(11) Signal processing application in power and energy system
(12) Energy conversion
(13) Network security of power and energy system
(14) Application of modern artificial intelligence in power and energy system
(15) Big data application in power and energy systems
(16) Water conservancy and electric power engineering
· Smart Grid and Energy Science
(1) Distributed generation and combined generation system
(2) Energy management and environmental issues
(3) Hybrid power system
(4) Hydraulic power plant
(5) Hydrogen system and fuel cell
(6) Smart grid in interdependent energy infrastructure
(7) Distributed energy storage power generation
(8) Smart grid for network and physical security system
(9) Smart grid for intelligent monitoring and power failure management
(10) Smart grid applications and technologies
(11) Electricity market and electricity system economics
(12) Distributed energy smart grid
(13) Emerging smart grid technology
(14) High capacity cooling system
(15) New energy vehicles and electric vehicles
- Publication -
hot.gif Submitted paper will be peer reviewed by conference committees and accepted papers after registration and presentation will be published in the Conference Proceedings which will be submitted for indexing by Ei Compendex Scopus.