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2025 8th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Industrial Architecture

发布时间:2024-09-13 17:20:29 人浏览过
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  • 大会简介


    第八届结构工程与工业建筑国际学术会议(ICSEIA 2025)将于 2025年3月28-30日在中国广州隆重举行。会议将汇集全球学术界前沿的研究成果和工程实践经验,共同探讨如何通过技术创新提升建筑质量、效率和环保性能,致力于促进学术研究与产业应用的深度融合,推动科技成果的转化和应用,为全球结构工程与工业建筑的发展提供新的思路和解决方案。参会者将在这里交流思想、展示成果、拓展合作,共同应对未来的挑战和机遇。










    7. 其他相关主题


    所有的投稿论文都必须经过2-3位组委会专家审稿,经过严格的审稿之后,最终所有录用的论文将由会议论文集出版,出版后由出版社提交至 EI Compendex、Inspec、Scopus与CNKI知网等数据库收录。

    ◆ 会议仅接受全英稿件。如需翻译服务,请联系会议秘书;

    ◆ 论文应具有学术或实用价值,未在国内外学术期刊或会议发表过。涉嫌抄袭的论文将不被出版;

    ◆ 作者可通过CrossCheck, iThenticate查重或其他查重系统自费查重,由文章重复率引起的被拒搞,将由作者自行承担;

    - Welcome To ICSEIA 2025 -

    With the continuous deepening of urbanization the demand in the construction field is also being optimized and adjusted. The development of structural engineering is still highly valued which has also generated many academic issues worth exploring. To provide a platform for communication and sharing among experts and scholars. The 2025 8th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Industrial Architecture (ICSEIA 2025) will be held on March 28-30 2025 in Guangzhou China. The conference focuses on Structural Engineering and Industrial Architecture and other related fields. The conference invites experts and scholars from universities and research institutions business people and other related people from home and abroad to participate in the conference. Scholars from home and abroad are welcome to submit papers and attend the conference.

    1st Full Paper Submission Date

    October 31 2024

    Registration Deadline

    March 21 2025

    Final Paper Submission Date

    March 24 2025

    Conference Dates

    March 28-30 2025

    Call For Papers

    The topics of interest for submission include but are not limited to:

    工程结构/Engineering Structure

    工程先进技术/Engineering Advanced Technology

    工程结构与抗震/Engineering Structure and Seismic Resistance

    高层建筑和大跨度结构/High-rise Building and Large-span Structure

    建筑结构与桥梁工程/Bridge Engineering;/

    特殊结构/Special Structure

    建筑技术/Construction Technology

    结构的监视与控制/Monitoring and Control of Structure

    制图与地理信息系统/Cartography and GIS

    混凝土结构/Concrete Structure

    施工与控制/Construction and Control

    检测与改造/Testing and Modification

    力学分析/Mechanical Analysis

    隧道及地下结构/Tunnels and Underground Structure

    结构修复改造和加固/Structural Rehabilitation Renovation and Reinforcement

    钢结构/Steel Structure

    材料与构件/Materials and Components

    岩土工程/Geotechnical Engineering

    市政工程/Municipal Engineering

    海岸工程/Coastal Engineering

    地质工程/Geological Engineering

    供热、供气/Heating Gas Supply

    通风与空调工程/Ventilation and Air Conditioning Works

    材料质量与控制/Material Quality and Control

    金属结构/metal Structure

    操作与维护/Operation and Maintenance

    防灾减灾/Disaster Prevention and Mitigation

    测量工程/Measurement Engineering

    排水工程/Drainage Engineering

    智慧建筑/Intelligent Building

    预测性维护/Predictive Maintenance

    融合网络/Converged Networks

    无线改造/Wireless Retrofit

    生物识别集成/Biometric Integration

    计算机管理系统工程/Computer Management System Engineering

    楼宇设备自控系统工程/Building Equipment Automatic Control System Engineering

    保安监控及防盗报警系统工程/Security Monitoring and Burglar Alarm System Engineering

    智能卡系统工程/Smart Card System Engineering

    通讯系统工程/Communication System Engineering

    卫星及共用电视系统工程/Satellite and Shared TV System Engineering

    车库管理系统工程/Garage Management System Engineering

    综合布线系统工程/Integrated Cabling System Project

    计算机网络系统及宽带接入、增值服务工程/Computer Network System and Broadband Access Value-added Services Project

    广播系统工程/Broadcast System Engineering

    视频点播系统工程/Video-on-demand System Engineering

    综合物业管理系统工程/Integrated Property Management System Engineering

    多媒体会议系统工程/Multimedia Conference System Project

    大屏幕显示系统工程/Large Screen Display System Project

    智能灯光、音响控制系统工程/Intelligent Lighting Sound Control System Engineering

    智慧城市/Smart City

    智能建筑/Intelligent Construction

    智能交通/Intelligent Transportation

    智能建筑的风险管理与决策//Risk Management and Decision Making for Intelligent Construction

    智能楼宇自动化控制系统/Intelligent Building Automation Control System

    计算力学/Computational Mechanics

    计算机仿真与CAD/CAE/Computer Simulation and CAD/CAE

    城市规划与设计/Urban Planning and Design

    建筑材料/Architecture and Building Materials

    绿色建材/Green Building Materials

    生态建筑/Ecological Architecture

    智慧城市路线图/Smart City Roadmap

    环境可持续性/Environmental Sustainability

    智能出行/Smart Travel

    智能能源网/Smart Energy Network

    智能城市数据分析/Smart City Data Analysis

    数据协调,集成和处理/Data Coordination Integration and Processing

    智慧城市治理/Smart City Governance

    智慧城市的软件技术/Software Technology for Smart Cities

    环境建模与应用/Environmental Modeling and Application

    可视化城市数据分析/Visual City Data Analysis

    数据驱动的城市规划与设计/Data-Driven Urban Planning and Design

    智能城市系统/Smart City System

    智能交通系统/Smart Transportation System

    结构抗震/Structural Seismic Resistance

    结构抗震设计/Structural Seismic Design

    地震与地震动/Earthquakes and Ground Motions

    建筑场地、地基与基础/Building Site Foundation and Basis

    结构抗震设计计算原理/Principles of Structural Seismic Design Calculation

    地震剪力调整及最低地震剪力要求/Seismic Shear Adjustment and Minimum Seismic Shear Requirements

    混凝土结构建筑抗震设计/Seismic Design of Concrete Structure Building

    砌体结构建筑抗震设计/Seismic Design of Masonry Structure Building

    钢结构建筑抗震设计/Seismic Design of Steel Structure Building

    混凝土结构梁式桥抗震设计/Seismic Design of Concrete Structure Beam Bridge

    结构减隔震技术/Structural Seismic Isolation Technology

    结构抗震加固改造设计/Structural Seismic Reinforcement and Transformation Design

    结构的动力分析/Dynamic Analysis of Structure

    结构选型与结构布置/Structure Selection and Structure Layout

    地震作用计算/Earthquake Calculation

    墙体承载力验算/Wall Bearing Capacity Check

    重大工程事故分析与防范/Analysis and Prevention of Major Engineering Accidents

    公路、桥梁、隧道抗震加固改造/Roads Bridges and Tunnels Seismic Reinforcement Reconstruction

    结构修复、改造及加固/Structural Repair Transformation and Reinforcement

    监测检测/Monitoring and Testing

    钢结构应力监测/Steel Structure Stress Monitoring

    大型施工项目应力变化监测/Stress Change Monitoring for Large Construction Projects

    结构健康监测/Structural Health Monitoring

    基坑监测/Foundation Pit Monitoring

    大体积混凝土浇筑温度监测/Temperature Monitoring for Large Volume Concrete Pouring

    工程实体结构检测/Engineering Entity Structure Testing

    工程原材料检测/Engineering Raw Material Testing

    工程质量鉴定/Engineering Quality Appraisal

    耐久性评估/Durability Assessment

    安全性评估/Safety assessment

    工程设备/Engineering Facility

    机械设备/Machinery Facility

    电气设备/Electrical Facility

    静置设备/Stationary Facility

    非标准设备/Non-standard Facility


    连续传输设备/Continuous Transmission Facility

    - Publication -

    All papers both invited and contributed will be reviewed by two or three experts from the committees. After a careful reviewing process all accepted papers of ICSEIA 2025 will be published in conference proceedings and submitted to Inspec and CNKI for indexing and where applicable also submitted to EI Compendex and Scopus (Subject to acceptance).

    标签: 广州学术会议