2025 Symposium on Computational Biology and Systems Biology
2025年计算生物学与系统生物学学术研讨会(CBSB 2025)作为BIC 2025的研讨会,由辽宁大学主办。会议将于2025年1月10-12日在中国·沈阳召开。大会将极大地凝聚中国该领域同仁的力量,使中国计算生物学与系统生物学向更高水平、更高质量发展。
本次大会邀请国内外生物信息学与智能计算领域的知名学者出席,报告将分为:大会报告,邀请报告,口头报告和海报展示。大会交流在生物信息学与智能计算研究和技术方面取得的最新成果和进展。CBSB 2025组委会热诚邀请计算生物学与系统生物学相关领域的学者及从事生物信息学与智能计算工作的同仁、研究生和相关企业参加会议!
徐鹰 教授-IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow、南方科技大学(中国)
黄菁山 教授-南阿 拉巴马大学(美国)
陈铭 教授-浙江大学(中国)
严大鹏 教授-复旦大学(中国)
Dimitrios A. Karras 副教授-雅典大学(希腊)
周挥宇 教授-莱斯特大学(英国)
张吉 教授-昆士兰大学(澳大利亚)
- 1. 基因组学动图
- 2. 转录组学
- 3. 蛋白质组学
- 4. 系统生物学
- 5. 药物设计与计算生物学
CBSB 2025会议投稿经过2-3位组委会专家严格审核后,最终所录用的论文将被ACM ICPS (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)出版论文集,并提交至EI Compendex, Scopus检索。目前该会议论文检索非常稳定。
Welcome to BIC 2025
2025 5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Intelligent Computing
2025 5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Intelligent Computing (BIC 2025) will be held onJanuary 12-14 2025 in Shenyang China.
BIC 2025 is to bring together innovative academics and industrial experts in the field of Bioinformatics and Intelligent Computing to a common forum.
The conference will greatly condense the strength of Chinese scholars in this field and enable Chinese bioinformatics and intelligent computing to develop to a higher level and higher quality. This conference will invite well-known scholars in the field of bioinformatics and intelligent computing at home and abroad. The reports will be divided into: conference reports invited reports oral presentations and poster presentations to exchange achievements in bioinformatics and intelligent computing research and technology Latest results and progress. The organizing committee of the conference sincerely invites scholars in the fields of bioinformatics and intelligent computing colleagues graduate students and related companies engaged in bioinformatics and intelligent computing to participate in the conference.
Important Dates
Full Paper Submission Date: November 20 2024
Notification Date: December 22 2024
Final Paper Submission Date: December 15 2024
Conference Dates: January 12-14 2025
Call For Papers
The topics of interest for submission include but are not limited to:
■ Bioinformatics
- Algorithms models software and tools in Bioinformatics
- Any novel approaches to bioinformatics problems
- Applications to diagnosis prognosis treatment monitoring and rehabilitation
- Biological devices/Biosensors and Molecular Diagnostics
- Computational proteomics
- DNA and RNA structure function and sequence analysis
- Experimental methods for model validation
- Gene engineering and protein engineering
- Gene regulation ex
pression identification and network - Genomics and Proteomics
- Imaging instrumentation and sensors for model generation and identification
- Immuno- and Chemo-Informatics
- Multiscale modelling and integrative research
- Next Generation Sequencing
- Pharmaceutical Applications
- Probabilistic and optimization methods in bioengineering
- Protein interactions docking and function
- Protein structure function and sequence analysis
- Sequence Analysis
- Structural Bioinformatics
- Structural functional and comparative genomics
- Structure Prediction
- Synthetic biology
- Intelligent Computing
- designing and building hardware & software systems processingstructuring
- managing various kinds of information
- scientific research
- making computer systems behave intelligently
- creating and using communications & entertainment media
■ Bioinformatics & Intelligent Computing
- Algorithms and Software Tools
- Algorithms models software and tools in Bioinformatics
- Biostatistics and Stochastic Models
- Computational evolutionary biology
- Computational Intelligence
- Computational Molecular Systems
- Computational Neuroscience
- Data acquisition normalization analysis and visualization
- Data management and modelling tools
- Data Mining and Machine Learning
- Databa
ses and Data Management - Drug design and computer aided diagnosis
- Emerging numerical methods and computational tools
- Formal Verification of Biological Systems
- Gene regulation ex
pression identification and network - High-performance computational systems biology and parallel implementations
- Image Analysis
- Inference from high-throughput experimental data
- Information Technology applications to computational bioengineering
- Model Design and Evaluation
- Model integration from biological databa
ses - Multi-scale modelling and analysis methods
- Pattern Recognition Clustering and Classification
- Simulation and Modeling
- Subject-specific and population-ba
sed modelling methods - Systems Biology
- Transc
riptomics - Visualization
- Web Services in Bioinformatics
All papersboth invited and contributed the accepted papers will be published for inclusion into Conference proceedings with meeting scope and quality requirements and also submitted to EI Compendex and Scopus for indexing. All conference proceedings paper can not be less than 8 pages.
Note: All submitted articles should report original research results experimental or theoretical not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. Articles submitted to the conference should meet these criteria. We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the most essential virtue of any academics. Hence any act of plagiarism or other misconduct is totally unacceptable and cannot be tolerated.